+39 392 629 6950 corradolo2667@gmail.com

About Us

Piccolo Leopardo is an amateur breeding recognized by ANFI Italia. Our cats, all equipped with pedigrees and microchips, grow in the house and develop a strong adaptation to the domestic environment. We’re in Rome.


The 3 cornerstones of our work

Piccolo Leopardo more than a breeding, it is an extended family to a few selected cats. Bengalis live in the house together with the owners and a little dog. At the Piccolo Leopardo the first concern is health: all our kittens are genetically tested for PRAb and PKdef, and every year we take them for heart ultrasound checking, to control the presence of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Fortunately, there have never been any positive cases. Also on annual basis we submit the kittens to blood tests, FIV and FELV and feline coronavirus, again these result always negative, as well as the analysis of stool and the Giardia test.

At the Piccolo Leopardo we select our feline guests for sociability: being born and grown in the house they develop a docile and domestic character, they like pampering and appreciate being embraced. They say God “created cats to allow man to caress a tiger.” We breed bengal puppies to allow passionates to pet african big felines.

We are a member of the C.I.B. Italian Bengala Club and we participate nearly 2 times a year in A.N.F.I. feline exhibitions throughout Italy with excellent results.

Prionailurus bengalensis

Our story

Piccolo Leopardo was founded when a couple, husband and wife, first saw a Bengal cat: it was love at first sight. After careful assessment of the responsibilities and commitment that a breeding, although amateur, would entail, the two decided to take a male and a female into the house, to give life to a new feline family. Since then Piccolo Leopardo has joined the ANFI FIFe and brought joy and color to the homes of many fans.

Meet our cats!

Our breeding house opens its doors to all fans of this wonderful cat the bengal. You can get to know as soon as it is born the kitty that will become your pet after weaning.

You want one? Contact us!​

We will be happy to answer your questions