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The Bengal Cat Character

The Bengal cat is a sweet, affectionate kitty attached to the person who takes care of it: a great furry friend, who adapts well to living in the house and interacting with people and pets.

Is the bengal cat aggressive?

Bengal is a totally domestic cat: wild DNA has evolved over time, generation after generation, becoming a docile domestic cat. The same progenitor, the Asian leopard cat (which has no genetic ties to the panthera pardus), is a small and fearful nocturnal feline.

Cohabitation with other animals

Bengal appreciates the presence of other pets, especially when people are absent. The degree of interaction depends on the environment in which the cat lives: if it is used to moving independently in the garden it may develop some hunter inclination, in which case it will be better not to let it play with parrots and bunnies. If, on the other hand, it is kept inside the house, as is case at the Piccolo Leopardo farm, it will grow with much more harmless.

Bengal cat and children

The Bengal cat loves playing and is curious for discovery; activities that keep g away and maintain keep boredom the mind active. Therefore a mutual sympathy is established between the kitty and children, which helps both to develop empathy and not to sink into boredness. Risk of allergies should not discourage appasionates: bengal produces low amounts of protein D1.